Bidisha Chowdhury Bio

Bidisha Chowdhury’s first feature film “Adaline” which she wrote and directed, got officially selected to twelve Film Festivals around the globe. ”Adaline” also got released in the US and Canada and has been distributed worldwide. work.

Bidisha lived in Kolkata, India when young. She was always mesmerized by films, but when she grew up, there weren’t kids’ films like there are now. The films were geared towards adults. Instead, she read tons of storybooks, even hiding from her parents to do so. She amused herself by imagining the books she read in film format.

From all the books she read, she had lots of ideas for stories, but no creative outlet for them. Decades later, after moving to the US where she currently resides, she started writing her stories into scripts. Years later, when she finally had the opportunity to get involved with the filmmaking process, working on numerous short films.

She loves the whole process of filmmaking, starting with writing the script. During the pre-production process, she loves to spend hours creating props and designing costumes for the characters. She finds it creates a stronger connection with the characters and allows her to tell a better story.

Bidisha Chowdhury lived in Kolkata, Indiawhen young. She was always mesmerized by films, but when she grew up, thereweren’t kids’ films like there are now. The films were geared towards adults. Instead,she read tons of storybooks, even hiding from her parents to do so. She amused herselfby imaging the books she read in film format.

From all the books she read, she had lots ofideas for stories, but no creative outlet for them. Decades later, after moving to the US,she started writing her stories into scripts. She finally had the opportunity to get involvedwith the filmmaking process, working on numerous short films.

Her journey started when she wrote anddirected two of her own shorts in 2010 and one in 2012. She became a part of somethingbigger than herself. Still, at that stage, she never thought she could ever make herown feature-length film someday. She loves the whole process of filmmaking,starting with writing the script. During the pre-production process, she loves to spendhours creating props and designing costumes for the characters. She finds it createsa stronger connection with the characters and allows her to tell a better story.

Directing Adaline

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